


Jude Bellingham told how to become Real Madrid captain as Iker Casillas insists 'more will be asked' of England superstar at Santiago Bernabeu next season
Real Madrid legend Iker Casillas believes Jude Bellingham can captain the Spanish giants one day.

The 20-year-old has earned plenty of plaudits this season after starring for Real Madrid in La Liga and Champions League triumphs. Ex-Madrid captain and goalkeeper Casillas has jumped on the hype train and revealed that Bellingham needs to continue learning the history of the club while performing in the biggest matches if he is to one day be handed the armband.

Speaking exclusively to the Daily Mail, Casillas said: "He's made it at the most important club in the world and has shown that he's a great player and that he can be there. Now, and next year, more may be asked of him, but that's what will make him a star. He could surely be the captain of Real Madrid, of course. He has everything to form the part.

"There are more experienced people at the top, but I would advise him to continue learning from the other veterans there, to continue soaking up the history of the club, and to do everything to be a great player and captain."

Bellingham has shown maturity beyond his age since moving to the Spanish capital and if he is able to maintain his levels, he will be present at the top of the game for at least another decade. There is no rush for him to take on the responsibility of captain but he has proven already that he has the qualities needed to thrive in a leadership role.
Before Bellingham embarks on a double title defence with Real Madrid, he has work to do with his country. England enjoyed a winning start to Euro 2024 but there is still a lot on the line for one of the tournament favourites and the ex-Borussia Dortmund man will have a huge influence on the outcome for the Three Lions.

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Thanks for reading: Jude Bellingham told how to become Real Madrid captain as Iker Casillas insists 'more will be asked' of England superstar at Santiago Bernabeu next season, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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