


How the Bellinghams became the most powerful family in football

As England gear up for their next Euros match, Emma Loffhagen investigates how Jude Bellingham’s superstar parents have been the key to the 20-year-old midfielder’s success, and how the Bellingham family empire could help finally bring the trophy home
During a post-match interview after Madrid knocked out Manchester City at the Etihad stadium in April, Rio Ferdinand voiced what many of us have long been wondering about Jude Bellingham. While the England midfielder calmly answered a complex question about the pressure and expectations surrounding Real Madrid, Ferdinand couldn’t help but interrupt to ask: “How's he answering these questions so eloquently? Tell me, how old are you bro?”

After laughing at the Manchester United legend's comment, Bellingham replied sheepishly: “still 20.”

Bellingham’s rise to the beating heart of the England squad has been stratospheric. But, as well as his undeniable talent, it is the 20-year-old’s staggering maturity and poise that have captured the nation’s attention. In January, he made headlines by giving a blanket to a shivering ballboy after Real Madrid’s victory at Arandina. And last week, after scoring the opening goal against Serbia in England’s maiden match at this year’s Euros, Bellingham dedicated his celebration to “the backroom staff who put in so much work every day, and ... won't receive any awards like this or have the moments we get to have on the pitch.” In fact, it seems that everyone who has met or known him, has nothing but adulation for the England international.
Much of this, it seems can be put down to the influence of two very important people: Jude’s parents, Mark and Denise Bellingham. 

Where most superstar international footballers are clients of elite international football agencies, Bellingham is managed by his father. A prolific goalscorer in non-League football and a former sergeant for West Midlands police, Mark Bellingham has overseen the success of his eldest child, and has established himself as one of the most pre-eminent figures on the footballing scene. Where once he once cut an intimidating figure across the amateur game in several Midlands teams, off the pitch the 48-year-old has helped transform the Bellinghams into one of the most powerful families in football. 

Alongside his wife Denise, a HR professional who manages the financials, Mark has steered both Jude and his 18-year-old brother Jobe, who plays for Sunderland, on a journey from their native Dudley, in the West Midlands, to the Bernabeu, home of Puskas, Zidane and Madrid, where Jude now lives with his mother. 

And the family’s approach has worked masterfully. The Madrid midfielder’s achievements and records are innumerable – last year he won both major awards for male footballers aged under 21 (the Golden Boy and the Kopa Trophy), he was Birmingham city’s youngest ever first-team player when he made his senior debut in August 2019, and was Real Madrid’s top league scorer in his first season for the club. Off the pitch, everyone wants a piece of Brand Bellingham – he has a deal with Gucci as well as Kim Kardashian’s SKIMS, and has the potential to match the sponsorship earnings of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi.

“Jude Bellingham is made up of amazing people," Bellingham said after England’s game on Sunday. "It's not just me. It's because I have such a great support network - my family, my friends, my team-mates. Playing football is the easiest part.” 

Here’s everything you need to know about the Bellingham empire that could help England bring the Euro trophy home. 

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