

Mbappe currently lives in a luxury apartment in Paris worth nearly $10 million.
Mbappe currently lives in a luxury apartment in Paris worth nearly $10 million.

But some AI architects think he can do better.

Having recently turned down a $332 million transfer deal, the football star clearly isn’t too worried about money.

So the designers at Houses created a concept house for him where money was no object.

READ MORE: Inside the incredible $170m concept house designed for Ronaldo

It’s not the first concept mansion we’ve seen designed from Mbappe, but it’s probably the most realistic, seen as the other was in Saudi Arabia.

From the outside, this place looks like a palace.

The architects paid tribute to Mbappe’s homeland with a French Baroque style.

White stone, domed roofs and elegantly pruned mazes create a decidedly regal atmosphere.

And that’s just the outside.

The hallway feels like entering a hotel or castle.

Perhaps inspired by the Paris Saint-Germain’s kit, the mansion is decorated in shades of blue and white.

The custom tiles lead guests to a double staircase, covered in a silky blue velvet.

Also on the ground floor is Mbappe’s personal indoor football field.

The ceiling-to-floor rows of windows offer a beautiful view of the ocean and his flourishing garden.

All that glass also means that any game played here will need to remain strictly within the boundaries of the field.

Mbappe’s lounge is round, surrounded by modern gothic windows and a massive dandelion-esque chandelier.

With its curved couches, floating coffee tables and marble floor, this space screams contemporary luxury.

Adding to the calming energy of the mansion is the indoor pool.

Mbappe uses an indoor pool for recovery sessions when he is injured.

This room’s minimalist theme and luxurious deckchairs make it a pretty relaxing recovery spot.
With its ornate walls, carved bed frame and plush furniture, the bedroom is the epitome of French elegance.

The room also boasts a huge chandelier that we wouldn’t have positioned quite so close to Mbappe’s head.

Strangely, this concept house doesn’t feature any cars.

Mbappe famously has a fleet of luxury cars including a Ferrari 488 Pista and a Mercedes-Benz V-Class.

And he infamously can’t drive any of them.

The 24-year-old has yet to get his driver’s license.

Maybe that’s why this luxury mansion is missing its garage.

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Thanks for reading: Mbappe currently lives in a luxury apartment in Paris worth nearly $10 million., Sorry, my English is bad:)

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