


Vinicius Junior praises Jude Bellingham: “He was born to play for Real Madrid”
The Englishman scored a brace against Osasuna to take his tally for the season to ten and top the LaLiga scoring charts.
Jude Bellingham continued his incredible start to life at Real Madrid with a brace in their 4-0 victory over Osasuna.
The 20-year-old scored the first two goals for Los Blancos, with Vinicius Junior and Joselu completing the rout with two second half goals. Speaking after the game Vinicius paid tribute to the Englishman.

Jude Bellingham laughed in a video
“Unbelievable. He was born to play for Real Madrid, to mark an era in the greatest team in the world,” Vinicius said.
Vinicius scored his first goal since returning from injury and also set up the fourth goal for Joselu.

So far this season Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelotti has opted to play Bellingham in a more advanced role, making the most of the youngster’s offensive qualities. That has allowed Bellingham and Vinicius, two of the team’s best players, greater opportunity to link up in the attacking third and the Brazilian was asked about about their on-field connection.

“I hope it lasts for many years and that we play here for a long time,” Vinicius said. “I’m delighted to be playing with Jude, one of the best young players. We’re all happy and the fans are really enjoying it.”

How many goals has Jude Bellingham scored?
Bellingham’s instant impact in Spain has been incredible and he now leads the scoring charts by some distance. The Englishman has scored eight times in his first eight LaLiga fixtures, comfortably ahead of the likes of Robert Lewandowski and Alvaro Morata in second place (five goals).

The 20-year-old has also scored twice in his two Champions League appearances, taking his overall tally to ten goals in ten games.

The Canadian full-back is the club’s major target for next summer, when he will only have just one year left on his contract with Bayern. His agent admitted the Spanish club’s interest.

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Incredibly Bellingham, who is predominantly a central midfielder, has scored as many goals in his opening ten Real Madrid games as Cristiano Ronaldo managed. Ronaldo went on to smash the club’s all-time scoring record, finishing his time in the Spanish capital with 450 goals in 438 games.

Bellingham’s incredible scoring rate will like start to slow at some point but, for now, his swashbuckling start to life in Madrid continues.

William Gittins
William Gittins

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Thanks for reading: Vinicius Junior praises Jude Bellingham: “He was born to play for Real Madrid”, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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